Heart of a Warrior Soul of a Healer
Riley Cote is someone who has experienced a lot in his life. From his journey to the ultracompetitive world of professional sports to his role as a fearsome NHL enforcer to his new calling as an entrepreneur and spiritual healer, Riley has lived a life of challenges, learning and growth.
Riley has now dedicated his life helping others transform their lives through mindfulness and the integration of scared earth medicines to keep the body, mind and spirit balanced and optimized.
We hope that you engage with this website and experience all of the elements of Cote Culture. It just might change your life for the better!

Cote's past experiences integrated with the knowledge and understanding of ancient and practical lifestyle philosphies makes for a unique opportunity to level up your life with Riley's life coaching philosophy.
Upon retiring, Riley quickly recognized some very disturbing truths and felt the need to act and become the change. Between the mental health crises, the opioid crises and the obesity crises it was clear to him that we have become extremely disconnected in our personal lives and lacked the true essence of life, positive energy of self love. It became Riley's duty to change the narrative into a more positive and loving one. One that provides a clear, realistic perspective of the steps required to increase quality of life and mental performance including the essential tools to execute these disciplines. Riley's philosophy pays close attention to understanding energy and how to work with it to your advantage. Beginning with awareness of thought, there is a major emphasis on developing the habit of always acting with a positive mental attitude.

Cote Culture Is About Expanding The Boundaries Of Who
You Are And Who You Can Become.
We have been systematically and fundamentally misled, which in turn has created so much suffering. Our choices and daily behaviors not only define us but promote growth and healing or disease and decay. So, the most important lesson I've learnt is that we are in control of our own destiny. Nobody else. It’s simply the universal law of karma. We get out of life what we put into it. From the food we eat to the people we surround ourself with to what you let into our head space. We must manage our self talk and make sure it’s positive, as we become what we think. Our subconscious mind accepts anything we let into it where its truth or its lies. And what ever we feed it daily is what we believe to be true. I realized the overall focus was nothing more than mindfulness and awareness and that inspired the creation of Cote Culture.

Cote Culture Is Helping Youth Achieve Their
Maximum Potential
Through his Mind Champ Clinics, Riley not only helps
young athletes with their hockey skills through his
checking essentials clinic, but he also teaches them
mindfulness techniques such as sound therapy using
rhythmic drumming before practice or on the way to
games to help them focus and get into the zone.

Cote Culture Is Facilitating Organizational Change & Growth
Many companies and organizations today are facing challenges of morale and cohesiveness that are limiting their growth, and their ability realize their potential. Some of this is caused by the dislocations caused by COVID but much of it is due to the general loss of introspection and purpose that is so problematic today..
Riley has immersed himself in different philosophies and perspectives on nutrition, exercise, recovery, plant medicine and overall wellness - all of which he uses in his Cote Culture Mindfulness Practice that helps people become more aware and in tune with themselves and ultimately increases their quality of life.
When you hire Riley to meet with your group, you are getting a skilled and passionate speaker who engages audiences and introduces them to new frameworks for engaging with their careers and their lives.

Rhythmic Mindfulness
Teaching mindfulness and rhythm is crucial as it fosters numerous cognitive, emotional, and social benefits. Firstly, rhythm enhances brain development, stimulating neural connections and improving memory, attention, and focus. It facilitates language skills by reinforcing phonological awareness and aiding in language processing. Additionally, rhythm cultivates creativity, allowing to express themselves through music and movement. It also fosters emotional intelligence, enabling children to regulate emotions and connect with others through shared experiences. Furthermore, rhythmic activities promote teamwork, cooperation, and discipline, fostering valuable social skills. Overall, teaching kids rhythm empowers them with a holistic set of skills that not only enrich their musical abilities but also elevate their intelligence and overall development.

Cote Culture Is Accepting That Plant Based Wisdom and the Ancient Knowledge That Accompanies It Are Essential For Modern Healing
Since retiring from professional hockey in 2010 with some concussion related collateral damage, Riley has embarked on a quest of holism, healing and alternative/natural medicines. Riley decided to take a different approach with his own personal wellness and began using plant medicines like cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms with intention and then mindfully integrated them into his healing journey. Riley became a student of life, committed to personal development and spiritual growth. He began attending classes through the American Institute of Holistic Theology which opened his mind to massive change. Riley studied different philosophies and perspectives on nutrition, exercise, recovery, plant medicine and overall wellness - all of which he uses in his Cote Culture Mindfulness Practice that helps people become more aware and in tune with themselves and ultimately increasing quality of life.